Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Does god Exist?

For anyone who has never studied Philosophy this seems like a hell of a question. A question that Philosophers have been asking for years. Does god exist? How can we prove the existence of a god? Is god that of which is described in scripture or is he not even a being but just a force?The scriptural god is described as omniscient, omnibenevolent and omnipotent. If scripture is correct then there are a lot of questions that we must ask. Why is there evil? Why are people allowed to commit crime and murder and why are governments allowed to use murder as punishment? The catholic church does not give a valid answer to the questions posed. This post is just an overview. This is based on Descartes proof of the existence of god and the criticism of the proof...


Cristi said...

you should watch this movie, if you haven't seen it already.

its more of a conspiracy theory movie but... the beginning is my favorite, because it talks about religion.

you should probably skip nine minutes into it or whatever though.

Justin_Michael said...

@ Cristi- Wow! I was only able to watch the beginning of this film but it seems really good. I will have to continue it when I get a chance. Thanks. Love the George Carlin bit too!