Tuesday, September 30, 2008

We are Fucked!

As the economy worsens and the $700 billion bailout plan is tossed in the shitter, the top government officials are now realizing that we are kind of screwed. Maybe if these heads of the state took their fucking heads out of their god damned asses they would have been able to see what some American's and all the rest of the world sees. We are deteriorating. How many banks and institutes have vanished? Lehman- gone! Wachovia- gone! WaMu- Gone! WTF?! There is no Wall Street anymore. People are asking if we will have another stock market crash. This is it folks, it's here! Get used to eating Ramen noodles and saltines. Gas and food prices continue to grow and nobody cares that you are making minimum wage. Your money aint gonna buy much! We are already in a depression. Look around!! Are we that stupid? Do you know who to blame? I do! Back in 2000 and 2004 when you smart ass republicans stepped inside those booths and thought "Gee, Bush seems like a good de de!!" that was the beginning of the end! We are broke because we have funded a POINTLESS WAR. I want all of you that voted for Bush and continue til this very day wondering why your money is not worth shit, to look in the mirror and with a big smile say to yourself "YOU did this, thanks for Fucking America!" Feel free to pat yourself on the back and punch yourself in the face or genitals while you are at it. And what does our president think of this whole cluster fuck?? Just look at the picture above!


Anonymous said...

its interesting seeing the americans point of view on all the politics going on atm.

im obviously not an american. from a small country called new zealand.

nice pic of Bush. i've always thought he looked like pinky from the cartoon pinky and the brain.

Justin_Michael said...

@ Queenb- Ah New Zealand. Always wanted to visit there. Bush does look a bit like Pinky. Haha. He also looks like monkey. Follow this link

Thanks for your words. America needs some clean up otherwise we will be a third world soon.

Anonymous said...

haha, why we spent on the war looks like nothing now that Obama is in office. What happened to change? I dont considered sending an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan any different from what Bush would have done.