Monday, October 27, 2008

Douche Bro

My friend Angelo introduced me to one of the most valid words of todays society. "Douche Bro" is that word. To all you Douche Bro's walking around with multiple polo shirt's with all the collars popped and your "New Haircut", it's time to take a look in the mirror. I hope this style trend will not last too long...although it is a way of making me feel better about myself. Everytime I walk downtown to get a pint or visit one of the many restaurants in New Haven, I fear running into the douche bro. The douche bro can be seen with the blowout haircut, lots of gawdy jewlery (gold), name brand italian designer wife beaters, Heinekins, and Jager bombs. The douche bro will make several attempts at picking up drunk chicks, if the douche bro does not succeed (which he won't), he will go home and make sure to do more steroids in order to better impress. The steroids add an anger issue and acne to this already incredibly douchy individual, now rendering them pitiful. If you need a better explanation of the Douche bro watch this video!
or this one!


Cristi said...

oh my god....WELCOME to the south norwalk bar scene.

Justin_Michael said...

Haha. Tell me about it. Black Bear here I come.